Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm scared.. I'm really..

I have just pulled my hamstring while sprinting for softball. Maybe I was being too competitive, and eager to train myself. I want to get back to NTU track team fast enough, and lead the Hall track team. However, overly eager to perform kills me now!!

When I heard a pop sound from my hamstring, my heart sank. I had torn my hamstring before, and I never stop upon hearing and feeling the sound. I was really too eager to train and perform!! DAMN IT !! FML!!!

I'm really scared! I had that feeling before and I almost cannot compete again. And I rested for 6 months, and that was the minimum, and with consistent physiotherapy weekly!! I am so screwed now. I am feeling damn down.

I don't wish to be like Para, miss last year IHG and have to squat. I want to have my own room, able to represent for IHG!! and I want to win!! with this fucking injury, cannot join NTU track, don't even need to think to get into sports hall!!! FML!!!

I'm farking no mood now.. fark off!!

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